Syntax Partners

  • We focus on cross-border M&A and other forms of partnership, from deal origination to execution, across Asia
  • Our leadership has extensive project experience in all major countries in Asia and can provide seasoned advice with a proven track record
  • A solid and unique network with local profressionals
  • Our major clients are industry-leading Japanese enterprises (annual sales above USD 1 billion)
  • Covering a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, trading, retail, and service
  • In-depth focus on Chemical, Logistics, Financial, Food & Beverage, Information Technology, and BPO sectors
  • Primarily advising long-term/strategic investors on medium-sized (i.e., USD 10 to 100 million) cross-border M&As or other forms of investment
  • We provide advisory services to either buyers or sellers and do not engage in any brokerage services that could create conflicts of interest

Mission to be a Catalyst for Change

“Our mission is to serve business owners and management as a catalyst, facilitating the flow of capital through insights and well-suited advice, thereby maximizing the wealth of all stakeholders. When the advice is of high quality, capital will follow, as our will remuneration in the form of fees. Advice is the only product we have on our shelf; we believe that good ideas and execution capabilities are the most scarce resources that make a difference”

Company NameSyntax Partners, Inc.
Registration No.8120003024885
EstablishedSeptember, 2023
OfficeHilton Plaza West, 2-2-2 Umeda Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 530-0001 Japan
RepresentativeShintaro Yukitoshi
BusinessConsulting services related to corporate management, business strategy, and finance.
Focused AreaJapan, Southeast Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.), and India.

Please feel free to get in touch with us.